Robert P., Former Director of Collaborating Academic Partnership Program, Aurora University
January 2011
Dear Prospective Employer;
Clearly, by reading this letter of recommendation, you are contemplating the employment of Dr. John Salzer, my suggestion - hire him immediately! Once you have completed the call for his employment you will have the time to digest this testimonial and reflect upon the wise decision you have made. John Salzer is a focused, highly competent, detail-oriented, and responsive individual. The fact is that these traits characterize both his ability as an instructor of adults and a university level administrator.
I have had the opportunity to interact with Dr. Salzer in both capacities. As a registrar for the Professional Development Alliance (PDA), John has worked most closely with my office in developing, locating, and registering students for graduate level continuing education programs for educators. John recruits the instructors and assists in the development of course syllabus to coincide with university specifications. He oversees the offering of each course, evaluating the instructors and fielding any challenges that result from hosting the courses. John and I have had the opportunity to work through a number of problems that arose as a result and, consequently, I have learned much from him concerning the pitfalls of course sponsorship. John is most adept at finding solutions to the often unique challenges that occur when one hosts adult learners. John's experiences with higher education have been most helpful to me, as someone new to administration at this level, and I have often consulted with him on solutions to issues I have encountered at Aurora University.
Since Aurora University is a co-sponsor with the PDA of various graduate courses, I also review the evaluations of the course instruction completed by the participants. As you can imagine, the teacher participants can be quite pointed in their critique of the instruction and various other dynamics of a course they have taken. Dr. Salzer has developed and taught various math content courses for us and thus I have been privy to his course evaluations. In every case they are nothing less than laudable. These evaluations speak highly of his instructional ability, positive demeanor, and content knowledge. His supportive orientation with students and his enthusiasm for both the subject matter and the teaching act are commented on repeatedly by his students.
In summation I would offer to you in Dr. John Salzer, a unique individual; an effective administrator and accomplished instructor. I know that the time you devote to interviewing Dr. Salzer will be well worth the effort and your employment of him will vindicate you as a most wise employer.
Robert P., Ed.D., Director
Collaborating Academic Partnership Program
January 2011
Dear Prospective Employer;
Clearly, by reading this letter of recommendation, you are contemplating the employment of Dr. John Salzer, my suggestion - hire him immediately! Once you have completed the call for his employment you will have the time to digest this testimonial and reflect upon the wise decision you have made. John Salzer is a focused, highly competent, detail-oriented, and responsive individual. The fact is that these traits characterize both his ability as an instructor of adults and a university level administrator.
I have had the opportunity to interact with Dr. Salzer in both capacities. As a registrar for the Professional Development Alliance (PDA), John has worked most closely with my office in developing, locating, and registering students for graduate level continuing education programs for educators. John recruits the instructors and assists in the development of course syllabus to coincide with university specifications. He oversees the offering of each course, evaluating the instructors and fielding any challenges that result from hosting the courses. John and I have had the opportunity to work through a number of problems that arose as a result and, consequently, I have learned much from him concerning the pitfalls of course sponsorship. John is most adept at finding solutions to the often unique challenges that occur when one hosts adult learners. John's experiences with higher education have been most helpful to me, as someone new to administration at this level, and I have often consulted with him on solutions to issues I have encountered at Aurora University.
Since Aurora University is a co-sponsor with the PDA of various graduate courses, I also review the evaluations of the course instruction completed by the participants. As you can imagine, the teacher participants can be quite pointed in their critique of the instruction and various other dynamics of a course they have taken. Dr. Salzer has developed and taught various math content courses for us and thus I have been privy to his course evaluations. In every case they are nothing less than laudable. These evaluations speak highly of his instructional ability, positive demeanor, and content knowledge. His supportive orientation with students and his enthusiasm for both the subject matter and the teaching act are commented on repeatedly by his students.
In summation I would offer to you in Dr. John Salzer, a unique individual; an effective administrator and accomplished instructor. I know that the time you devote to interviewing Dr. Salzer will be well worth the effort and your employment of him will vindicate you as a most wise employer.
Robert P., Ed.D., Director
Collaborating Academic Partnership Program